
Off to Aussie + Lemon Meringue Tart

This post will be an extremly short post as we're getting ready for our trip to aussie right now! v^^v YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY v^^v

Nick and I will be driving to Christchurch tmr morning.

6 hours drive------hopefully my 'ka cheng' won't be burnt when we reach CHCH.

Oh ya, I've made a Lemon Meringue Tart few days ago.
It's my first attempt in making tart and I'm quite pleased with the results

<----------------------Picture time---------------------->

Will blog more when we're back from Aussie.



Trip to Dunedin = SHOPPING

To prepare ourselves for the short holidays to Aussie (I"M SUPER EXCITING ABOUT THIS!), Nick and I decided to make a trip up to Dunedin for some last minute shopping (WOOHOO ^o^)

Up till now, I still couldn't believe that I have moved out from Dunedin. (sob.sob.sob) Back when we were still in Uni, we ALWAYS complained about Dunner's crappy weather, stupid steep hills, lack of shopping place, etc.......However, after spending almost 5 years in there, Dunedin has slowly become my home........I MISS DUNEDIN.........I MISS WALKING UP THE HILLS........I MISS "WAN DOLA CHEP"...........I WANNA GO BACK.........

Oppss........I got carried away. Sorry about my emo moment......

Let's get back to the shopping topics shall we?
Taadaa.......here are all my babies that I've picked up from Dunedin :)

Headbandsssss from Diva & Equip ( I know it's a lot...but I can't help it....)

Shoes from Witchery (Nick asked me to pick the snake-skin leather rather than the smooth leather, what do you guys think?)

Sunscreen for the Aussie sun and Nude colour nail polish

Can't wait for the trip to Melbourne & Sydney! Nick and I already packed all the clothes that we're wearing in Aussie on Sunday (efficienlt aye! :D) So we've bascially all sorted for the holidays....Except I need to shed a few pounds before the trip. But I only got one week to do so......dun think it is possible.....sigh sigh sigh.....you guys just have to bear with Fat Wendy in the pictures then!


Cranberries, White Chocolate & Macadamia Cookie

As promised, I am now sitting in front of the computer trying to come out with a nice blog...........

Nick and I had Subway's cookies on Monday and he just can't have enough of it. So I decided to be a perfect wife and make him some cookies (okay......I have to admit some of the reason behind me baking is to make Nick fatter so I can look slimmer......*evil laugh*). Got the recipe from http://www.mycookinghut.com/ and it is the most YUMMILICIOUS cookies we ever had!

Here's the original recipe of this Cranberries, White Chocolate & Macadamia Cookie


  • Butter, 125g

  • Light brown fine sugar, 100g

  • Caster sugar, 80g (I've reduced the amount of sugar from 100g to 80g)

  • Egg, 1

  • Vanilla extract, 1 tsp

  • Self raising flour, 225g

  • Dried Cranberry, 60-70g

  • White chocolate, 80g

  • Macadamia nuts (break into chunky pieces or halves), 80g


  1. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Line a large baking tray with baking parchment.

  2. Cream the butter and sugar with an electric whisk. Then add in vanilla extract and continue to beat until combined.

  3. Add in egg. Then, fold in flour until the mixture forms a sort dough. Add in cranberry, white chocolate, and macadamia nuts. Mix well.

  4. Dot heaped spoonfuls of the mixture over the lined baking parchment, leaving plenty of space in between them as they will spread out while baking.

  5. Bake for about 8-10 minutes or until the cookies are just turning golden brown.

  6. Leave the cookies on the baking sheets to harden for a couple of minutes, then carefully lift up the baking parchment and transfer them to a wire cooling rack.

Recommendations from Wendy's Daily Times

  1. I've reduced the amount of sugar from 100g to 80g.

  2. I highly recommend to use Cadbury's Dream for the white chocolate. Do you know that Cadbury's Dream is the only real white chocolate compared to the other well-known brand.

  3. I've added some milk powder into the flour so the dough will bind even better and this gives a hint of nice milky taste to the cookies.

I hope you all will love this recipe as much as I do. And please please please do let me know the outcome if you really tried out this recipe.

My very first blog

So here I am............After many nights of thinking (accompanied by Nick's snoring ZZZZzzzzzZZZZzzzz)

I've finally decided to jump into the sea of blogging!

Please welcome me the Almight Blogging World.....please please please......

I promise to be good and try to update my blog as often as I can!

I promise to throw away my 'face' and be a camwhore so to provide nice pictures!

I promise to be as intersting as possible!

I promise.......erm...........erm...........ANYWAY.......I'll be good.......just you wait and see!(oh my gosh....what have I done to myself???? I hope this wont come back and bite me when I started to procrastinate)